Thursday, March 13, 2008

No Turning Back Now

Well, our tickets have been purchased, and now they are on their way to our respective houses. This makes the whole thing so...real.

Also, we're keeping the trip the same length after all. We were going to take out some places and make the whole thing one week shorter to save money, but ultimately, we asked ourselves the question "when are we going to do something like this again?" If we took anything out, we'd probably end up regretting it. Thus, 7 weeks it is. Our travel agent won't kill us, and we don't have to change the name of the blog. Victories all around!

1 comment:

lilak81 said...

GREAT TITLE! There is literally no turning back now! Ur on the "de plane, de plane"

make sure to drink lots of water MR & Mrs LOL!